Friday, April 6, 2012


I have started this blog three times.  Each time I write something I stop and delete it.  I write my medifast blog to also be posted on my blogger.  But everything I was going to write so far was going to get the haters out.  So why bother?  I have had such a wierd week.  Ups, Downs the whole gambit I have run.  I write to soothe myself.  Express my opionion and my view as I see it.  I used to appologize for it.  But as someone kindly told me, it was my blog dont applogize for what I think.  I agree.  But now I am feeling censored.  I dont want to make my blog private.  I dont want to stop people from commenting.  What I would like is an option on how to monitor what gets posted.  That way without offending someone be deleting the comment I can monitor what I will allow to be seen by others.  Just like I can on my blogger.  I do believe everyone is intitled to an opinion as long as that opinion is not ment to be hurtful.  Unlike my blog you can stop reading at any time if you choose.  However I HAVE to live with either what I take as a hurtfull comment or I HAVE to be hurtful be deleting the post I found offensive.    So now when I write my feelings I will have to incorporate my appologys in advance again or I have to redact my thoughts.  I have actually thought to keep two completly different blogs.  One I can monitor and one that I just write the safe and”approved” stuff on.  I think if I did that I would be like Dr Jykle and Mr Hyde.  I dont want that.  I am stuck.  I dont know what to do.  All I can hope for is that anyone compelled to comment on my posts A) is not hurtful B) doesnt get offended when the post is removed if it is offensive or C) send me a private message that I can either fight back or block you forever from my life.

Guess I am going to have to live with that.  Maybe I will make a disclaimer (which I find absolutly stupid)

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