Monday, July 16, 2012

Never give up never surrender

Churchill said this…Most of us recognize this quote.  I have approached my weight loss with a militaristic mind.  I never do things half way since there is no half way in weight loss and this suited me well.  Never give up.  I am still here still fighting the fight.  I have been doing this plan since mid-October so that is what?  8 months?  And I only lost 60 pounds.  I never give up.  I went thru 3 months of no losses but I stuck to the plan.  I didn’t give up.  There is no option for surrender. 

When I finally came to the decision to lose I had laid out a plan of attack.  I was going to take this on like I would a battle.  Giving way.  I can’t afford to give up.  I only have a small amount of time left to become healthy and hopefully able to have kids.  This was my last option to do something that was non evasive about my weight.  I am not opposed to cheating and have learned that those who throw bigger stones are usually the guiltiest of cheating.  I have cheated once with a cup cake and once with a cannoli.  I made the decision to do so, the same way I did when I had a cigarette after I quit smoking. And here I am still losing weight and still not smoking.   I refuse to be a held hostage to food or lack thereof. 

Surrendering is not knowing you went too far.  Surrendering is when you go so far off plan that you never come back.  Giving up is gaining it all back and keeping it because “you can’t lose” We all know we can but we also see how hard it is.  Just remember.  Don’t give up and never surrender.  We can all do this and we can all learn to keep it off.


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