Thursday, March 22, 2012

The art of the search and thinking before you leap.

I am wondering why people don’t do a quick search before they scream a question for the whole world.  I have been guilty of this however my guilt is because I wanted personal opinions not answers.  To often lately I see people posting one of two things. The first is they post the same questions over and over again like “COFFEE?”  It was posted everyday for 3 days by different people.  I don’t think anyone responded to two of them.  If they wondered why it was simply because people hate saying the same thing over and over again.  Its nothing personal its just human nature.  The search function on the my Medifast message boards is as good as a simple internet search.  You can pull up anything.  I was having problems with a rash and wasn’t sure if anyone else on MF was suffering as much as me.  I searched it and found it had happened to others.  Woot!  Searches are good not bad.  May save you from a flame from people who live by drama.

The second post I have been seeing a lot is the ever so subtle attention getter “ITS MY FIRST DAY AND I AM GOING TO QUIT.  I HATE THE FOOD”  Or “ I LOST 10 POUNDS IN MY FIRST WEEK AND I HAVE A STALL THE SECOND.  I ONLY LOST .5 POUNDS”  Its posts like these that make me want to shake my head and hug the poster.  I have been a firm believer my entire life.  If you have nothing good to say don’t say anything at all.  I find I don’t say much anymore.  I want to inspire people.  I want to help people.  But I refuse to be a part of a pity party.  Say the “food hater” only needed to lose 30 lbs.  I am not saying this is not awesome.  But I am saying please think before you post.  Those of us with over a hundred to lose may not say it but we think you have it easy.  And the person who thinks 10 pounds in 2 weeks is not enough of a loss should really read posts about the people who lose maybe 4 pounds a month.  I have never seen a complaint from a turtle.  And admire them more for it.  I see the complaints about plateaus and the rants make me laugh.  Why?  I just went quietly thru a three week stall.  I didn’t rage about it.  I did every thing your supposed to do to try and get out of it.  Venting IS therapeutic but only if the poster understands that the repercussions to said vent is a flame or being ignored.  I for one will not flame but I will ignore.  I am not condemning everyone to my post only those who seem to be habitual self loathers.  If you lost 10 pounds in a week and wanna quit.  I wont stop you.  I find there is strength in what we are doing.  We are strong enough to admit we needed it.  We were strong enough to open the box.  We were strong enough to try the first meal.  Lets stay strong and give it a good honest try and then rage if you don’t lose or it still tastes like crap.  Think before you leap our mothers always used to tell us as kids.  Its something we also need to learn as adults it would seem also.

I don’t want to apologize for my blog but I don’t want to hurt someone with it.  My personal opinions are just that.  Opinions.


Let the good times roll!

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