Monday, October 1, 2012

Negative Nelly

I have been extremely opposed to negativity this past year.  I avoid it like the plague.  I even avoid it when it’s on which I use as a source of encouragement when I am feeling down.  So it’s hard for me to be put in a position where I have to deal with a negative Nelly all day.

On Saturday I volunteered for our annual event to raise money for a nonprofit that helps ferrets.  One of the officers is supposed to be a lead on some of the events we have periodically throughout the year.  Two weekends ago she made everyone show up two hours early when she showed up to the event 15 min late.  Meanwhile everything was all set and ready to go.  She had no work to do at all.  Well played in my opinion.

And on Saturday I was to help organize the raffle.   I arrived on time had everything well under way when she finally arrived.  I had everything 90% done when she walked up to me said I had done everything wrong and walked away.  She fully expected me to redo everything and not help.  Just as she didn’t help when she arrived.  I put my stuff down and walked away.  At that point I was done volunteering.  When I donate my time and someone says they will lead the project I expect them to help and lead.  And if they are not then they better not tell me I did it wrong then walk away to jabber with other people again.

After all was said and done this person made backhanded comments to the president of the foundation on how she did it all.  I don’t think I have ever been so mad. 

Afterwards we all went out to dinner to discuss how the event went and how much we were able to make.  And Miss Nelly dominated the entire dinner.  Made us order what she wanted.  Told us how wrong we all are on everything and every topic we discussed.  She even told me how to make a cappuccino when I made them for a living when I lived in Italy for 12 years.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH She is a miserable human being! 

I know she made everyone a bit uncomfortable but she really picked on me and I was offended by half of it but tried really hard to ignore the situation.   By the end of the meal we all realized that we forgot to bring cash to make paying for dinner easier.  So I told my hubby to pay since we got my inheritance.  It was money we didn’t have so I didn’t care.  She made a huge ordeal about it.  To the point I actually felt guilty for paying. Sigh! 

Why are people so negative?  Why do some people only think of themselves and not others?  Why do some people belittle others to make themselves feel better?  In the end I think what upsets me most was I was so looking forward to this event and having fun with my friends.  And this person completely ruined it for me!  If I brought more of my MF food I would have been stuffing my face the entire time!


Ok now that this is out of my system I will carry on and work my way out of the 160s!

1 comment:

  1. You sound like a lovely person. Congratulations on not biting back at this witch! You are doing great, keep it up :) Jenny
