Sunday, May 6, 2012

Starting something new.

To date I have been giving myself physical challenges.  I need to challenge myself a bit more mentally.    Not with puzzles or anything but with personal demons and insecurities.  I touched on it last night.  I am too damn touchy and emotional at times lately.  Not sure if its all the other changes going on making me mental or what.  But it is defiantly something that needs to taken care of.  My challenge to myself is to read.  If it touches a nerve, evaluate what I read.  Think about it for 15 minutes and then so how it effects me.  Like thinking before you speak.  I will think after I read.  With my new personal goal out there forever and for everyone to see.  I would like to tell a funny story that happened the other night.

A few months back I wrote one of my blogs about the dreaded Medifart.  So with that in mind you may need to scroll back to read it.  “The Good, the Bad, The Medifart.”

Sooo the other night we had to feed the five ferrets some petroleum jelly (it is a natural lubricant and non toxic, and the ferrets this it tastes awesome).  To help alleviate problems with fur balls since they are losing their winter coats.  So all five get a spoon full and they walk off all happy they got a “treat”.  Few hours later all five camped out next to my bed under my bedside table.  All the sudden.....HOLY crap that was the most noxious smell ever.  Its like I lived in a sewer the smell was so bad.  My husband turned and looked at me and with the most serious voice he could muster he said.  “Pay backs a bi***!  After making me suffer from your Medifast farts you earned this one.”  LMAO

Little did he know he had to clean up the poops the Jelly caused...that joke was on him!


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