Saturday, May 12, 2012


LOL.  I walked a 5K on the treadmill last night at the Y.  Marching along singing to my tunes.  Oblivious to the world.  Was kind of funny however when I walked in last night.  Was only my second day there and they already know my name.  I had to look at the door and make sure I wasn’t at Cheers.

Today blisters and all I am doing a 30 min cardio and my 30 min strength training.  My official first day of it even though I have been doing some at home.  This is what is on my list.  It boggles my mind how it will take only 20 min by their estimation.  But its as follows:

Seated Chest Press between 14 and 20 reps at 10 pounds (doable)

Seated Row at 25lb  until I cant do anymore (? Oookkaayyy)

Seated Shoulder Press at 20lbs until I cant do anymore (ouch that like

Seated Arm Curl at 15lbs between 14-20 reps

Seated Triceps Extension at 15lbs 14-20 reps

Seated leg press at 20lbs 14-20 reps

Seated leg curl at 15 pounds 14-20 reps

Seated calf raise at 5 pounds 14-20 reps

Then comes the Abs:

Ball crunch (I will do this at home) 12-15 reps

Reverse crunch 12-15 reps (home)

Side oblique crunch with legs elevated 10-12 reps(home)

Crunch legs elevated 10-12 reps(home)

I am going to be jello tomorrow.  Good thing this is only twice a week.  Phew!!

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