The following blog is not meant to offend or cause any hurt. This is just my opinion and really means nothing in the grand scheme of things. And does reflect on anyone in particular.
I noticed not only on my MF website but on other websites I am a member of (Spark people, FB among the few). As well as people I know, friends, family and strangers. Always screaming “My way is the only way”. When it comes to weight loss. Not ignoring the fact that even some weight loss DVD’s that I have bought claim to be better then the rest. All this is in someway just another way to make money. Weight loss now being the leading money maker. So for the family, friends and people that I hardly know who scream my way works best. My thoughts are “but I’m not you” Where your way may work best for you and for others and probably even me. Why do I want to hear you yelling me, me, me? When there was others before who paved the way, so its not “Your way” its just “A way”. It also begs to be asked. So is my weight loss about you? Or about me? Is my journey to become physically more healthy to make your profit margin soar? I see people standing on their righteous pulpits thumping their proven theory’s that are being twisted to fit their needs and beliefs. I have started to think of these people as reformed smokers. These people give obnoxious a new meaning. I have quit smoking now for three years. But that doesn’t stop me from hanging out with people who smoke. Just because I am standing next to a smoker doesn’t mean I will go up in a ball of flames if I don’t have one now! Everyone was given free will. I choose to use my free will and not tell everyone my way is the only way. I choose to have people to see that there are OTHER ways and not just one that works.
As a young girl I once posed a question to a bible thumper in my church about something that really bothered me that was said in church. “Are my parents going to hell because they are divorced? Does that mean, now that my parents are remarried to different people they are adulterers?” The answer was yes and yes. I was shocked and approached my father in tears and told him that he was going to go to hell. This is when my dad and step mother bought me my Bible. I read it from one cover to the next. The one thing that stuck me was where god was vengeful in the old testament he was loving in the new. And Jesus had washed away all our sins. Therefore my parents were not sinners they just found a different way to be happy. I was good with that.
I refuse to be a meek sheep just following the flock because someone keeps preaching that their way is the only way. It just so happens that a few cults have been killed that way. I prefer choosing the path that is less trodden the one of strength and perseverance, Because that too is “A Way”.
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