Its been a minute since I was able to really sit down and write my blog. I have jotted off stuff. Posted a limited time only post of the first chapter of the book I am trying my hand at writing. I got no responses on that post so fear its a stuck fest. However on the other hand my friend who is an artist understands my fear and has reassured me its good. And also was kind enough to let me know that if it sucked she would tell Its huge for me to step out of my comfort zone and actually get back to it. This is after all a work in progress for ohhh lets see...15 years. I find I can put a more mature twist on it. It doesn’t ring so naive as it was before. Age in something’s is as important as the talent and knowledge. If anyone was wondering. Its a trashy romance. I figured I have read so many horrible ones that I can totally write one that was comparable or better.
I am also thinking I have to take a week off from working out. I don’t want to but I seemed to have strained the Soleus muscles in my calves. I am having a hard time even walking. And if I am not careful even crossing my legs proves to be a painful experience. My theory is to much to soon. I am infamous for that after all. So I think if I do go it will be to work the upper body as opposed to my legs.
Happily I will be hitting the 170s hopefully this coming weekend. I have not seen those numbers in a long time. Its amazing actually. I was telling my hubby that I met his sister when I was in my 160s. At that time I had already gained 20+ pounds since the time we had started So lets see. If I was to pin point how long it has been I will say its been 9 years since I last have been this late.
I have also been on the desperate search for new employment. I can no longer stomach where I work. It makes me physically nauseous to think I have to come in. I have complained about this place so much but I will never be able to clearly convey the severity of this place. It is so bad that I have been tempted on many occasions to call the board of labor. Like for example me and the only other girl got ditched here to handle all the calls that come in that on a normal day 5 people handle. But because the boys club has the habit of being DBags. Us two girls got screwed.
Ok not that I vented and shared. I am off to visit monster and see what they have to offer today.
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