I ask only because I have never been an emotional eater. Not a habit I picked up over the years. I snacked, yes. Made poor choices, yes. But I wouldn’t have dug myself such a deep hole if I weren’t an emotional dead beat. I have been subjected to, what I would like to call the ENT’s (emotional ninja terrorists). Just like most people I am sure. I try not to get so invested in the emotions, because its pain I don’t like to deal with after years of abuse, I just made a tent and camped in it instead of facing it head on. I found eating didn’t help me so I would sleep instead. Sleeping means you don’t think..you don’t even have to go numb. I would sleep and I swear if I woke up I would use the bathroom then off for more..24 hours later, I would pretend like there was never a problem. And if I feared that I was on the brink...off to bed I would go. I almost fell into that seductive trap yesterday. I am still feeling off, but trying not to dwell. Which of course only makes you dwell more. Emotions are evil. They have such a way of ruling our worlds. I said it yesterday on FB. I hate emotions that make you weak. People just play them to their advantage.
So yesterday with my personal hell on earth I like to call work. I went to my therapist. I haven’t cried in so long but I was just so damaged by what was said to me. But it felt much better after she gave me the talk that it wasn’t me. I needed that validation because they did put the thought in my head that I was a horrible person not fit to be in public. I have issues with my self conscious that one chink in it and my insecurities come out and start doing party dances. So with that boost I then talked to the hubby. Who thankfully told me that yes I am a biotch but if I was as bad as they said I am he wouldn’t have married me. And he loves his biotch just the way she is...awwwww. My hubby has such a way with words. The good thing is I know he truly loves me no mater my flaws.
So I guess my point is not all of us gained because of food. Some of us gained because of our inability to move and were emotionally terrorized. For those of you like me. I want to give you my support and a huge hug. For the emotional eaters...ditto!! I love you all and thank you for your kind words yesterday. It helped me get thru the day!!
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