Friday, July 20, 2012

Where’s Waldo?

I have found myself looking at people differently.  I look at them and wonder.  Where they like us before?  Were they…..wait for it….Fat?  I go places and wonder if that skinny guy over there or the skinny girl in the corner were overweight like I was.  What did they do?  Did they use Medifast?

Among the sea of people how many are there that were on their death watch.  I watch TV and I see stories of famous or semi famous people who have lost weight and wonder how they came to the decision to use the program they used.  I had seen one today who lost 180 pounds with the lap band and wondered again why people choose such drastic measures to lose the weight.  Did they try another option first?  My husband was all impressed that this man lost that much weight in two years.  To be honest so was I until I heard he used invasive surgery to do it.  I told my husband that he could have lost that much without surgery.  I am not opposed to the way he lost it.  Just mystified.

So here I am always wondering how other people lose their weight.  What was their motivation?  What made them change stop the death watch and start living again.  So my game of where’s Waldo is all I see when I look at people now.  Gone is my blind take on the world.  When I was oblivious to others, as I was of myself. 

Thanks to Waldo I see people and think.  Geez we need a secret hand shake so we know we are. 


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