Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wow. I mean WOW!

I am so attuned to some things now.  The longer I am on my journey the more I notice.

The other night I was talking to my husband about this.  I am hyper aware of what other people eat now.  Before I wouldn’t care or notice unless it smelled good.  No the majority of foods smell bad and not only that they don’t look appetizing.  But I also now notice what people are REALLY putting in their bellies.  I am shocked because the person eating it is oblivious at what they are doing will eventually kill them.  And my god the amount?  I used to be them.  Did I reallllly eat that much?  Did I really eat that crap?  Yes...Yes I did.  What a shame.  I remember not that long ago  (only 12 years)  that I was a size 0 and I let myself get to a 20 before I did anything about it.

My Wow moment was this morning while listening to the radio.  For the first time in my life I was so heated I wanted to kick puppies  (don’t worry I never would)!  Some ignorant woman called and told the entire state of MA that anyone bigger then a size 2 – 4 should pay more for clothes because they are fat.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  And she was rude beyond belief.  I wish I had it recorded so I could embed it into the blog because you have no idea how insulting she was.  Some girl called and said she was a raw vegan and worked out everyday and she was a size 12 and  by no means fat.  So the Mrs. size 2 told this girl to eat a donut and to “get off the phone fatty”  I kid you not!

I am still heated by that lol and not because I am fat but by the pure ignorance she displayed without a care in the world.

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